Unlawful dismissal  and judicial discretion: early warning signs for the increasing protections contract

Unlawful dismissal and judicial discretion: early warning signs for the increasing protections contract

Unlawful dismissal and judicial discretion: early warning signs for the increasing protections contract

Lawyer Gabriele Fava

The decree on workers recruitment welfare protections 23/2015, in force since March 7th, introduces a substantial modification of art. 18 of the Workers' Statute, as per Fornero’s Law, limiting to a few  isolated cases, the possibility for the judge to order the reintegration into the workplace, that is, therefore, foreseen in cases of discriminatory dismissal, null, ordered in oral form, or, disciplinary dismissal, where the fact there is no contested material..................http://www.aidp.it/riviste/articolo.php?idn=305&ida=3126