JOBS ACT/How the remote supervison “changes” the way of working

JOBS ACT/How the remote supervison “changes” the way of working

JOBS ACT/How the remote supervison “changes” the way of working

Jobs Act: Remote supervision, privacy and model 231/2001
Art. 4 of L. 300/1970 (Workers' Statute) recently modified by art. 23 of D.LGS. 15th September 2015 n. 151, allows the remote supervision of workes by “systems used by the workers in order to prove their working activities” and “recording systems of access and attendance” even without the trade union agreement or authorization by DTL or in the absence of the ministerial agreement.

This means that neither the agreement nor the authorization are needed when and if the remote supervision system such as computer, tablet, smartphone, e-mail, internet is considered as an instrument for the worker to perform his job. But if those instruments are updated with localitation and filtering softwares to check on the worker an agreement or authoritatin is compulsory