Fava & Associati | Law Firm


Training, the courage to change

Recently, at the conclusion of a study carried out by Eurobarometer, the service of the European Commission established in 1973 Deputy to analyze the results of the surveys conducted at the...

Labour means business

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A few days after the entry into force of Decree-Law 34/2014, yet a "wager on the upside" for the unemployment rate in Italy. Read more→...

JOBS ACT/The cost that “holds back” Renzi Reform

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After the Decree "Poletti" on term contract and apprenticeship arrives in Parliament the Bill delegation of labour market reform to complete the package of measures planned by the...

New "rehashes" apprenticeship contract (Decree 34/2014)

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There are three main points of the reform of apprenticeship: eliminated the requirement of written form for the individual training plan; modify the provisions for regional training; eliminated...
