Fava & Associati | Law Firm

People Strategy

People Strategy

Thanks to new strategic partnerships, we are able to provide you solutions to any problem concerning the management of work relationships, social security contributions, income and taxation; to take care of the genesis, definition and evolution of the work relationship to be established. Together we analyze and manage the regulatory, contractual, insurance, social security aspects, the impact on costs, the social impact that the insertion of a new figure can cause within the company staff, as well as the various contractual and funding hypotheses possible.

For this reason it would be advisable to evaluate, together with your HR department, your People Strategy, which can be articulated according to the following key points:

  • Analysis of the business climate
  • Map of skills
  • Organizational analysis and restructuring
  • Definition of career plans and reward systems
  • Insertion of new hires
  • Insertion of new junior Directors
  • Institutional training plans